TL;DR Summary:
What is burnout?
Who is most susceptible?
What types of people get burnt out the most?
Dealing with burnout.
Sign Up for my Free Masterclass on Burnout!
Welcome back, I hope you had a great Halloween!
Today, we’re talking about who is most susceptible to burnout, and some things you can do about it.
I think you’ll be surprised by some of the stats we go over today.
This is also an excerpt from an upcoming Masterclass I’m doing on Burnout for free!
If you’d like to sign up, click the button below.
What is Burnout?
We’ve talked about Burnout tons before, if you haven’t already, be sure to check out our blog about the Neuroscience of Burnout!
To jog your memory quickly, the textbook definition of burnout is:
A state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress. It occurs when you feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands.
We’ve talked before about how it is more of a cycle than just one thing, and it creeps up on you over time, not all at once!
Burnout is a very large problem today... In a survey of over 1000 respondents by Deloitte, 77% say they have experienced burnout at their current job.
83% said burnout negatively impacts their personal relationships.
Finally, to top it off… 120k deaths are attributed to burnout & workplace stress per year. Yikes…
It’s obvious it’s an issue, but who's at the highest risk and who experiences it the most?!
Who Get’s Burnt Out
Every age & generation.
Every country.
Every gender.
Every type of worker.
And it isn’t just healthcare workers, it’s parents, executives, financial managers, event coordinators, fundraisers, developers…
I hope by now you’re getting my point, burnout affects a huge portion of the population!
This is one of the reasons my upcoming Masterclass is free… People need to know these stats, and learn how to deal with burnout!
What Personality Types Get Burnout?
We work with a lot of these burnt-out people at Rewrite & Rise, and over the years, we’ve found that certain types of people suffer the most.
Perfectionists in any profession, job, or situation seem to struggle the most with burnout & overwhelm.
I’ve found that generally, this behavior comes out to help people cope with the belief that they aren’t enough.
Good enough, worthy enough, smart enough, pretty enough, just not enough.
Perfectionists are also some of the worst procrastinators because beliefs like the ones above don’t feel very good, so to get away from the feelings they procrastinate.
This means they wait til the last minute to try and do the task and become overwhelmed/stressed by the time crunch.
It’s like the perfect recipe for burnout.
People Pleasers
People pleasers struggle with burnout because they have a hard time saying no.
They often forget that “No.” is a full & complete sentence.
Feeling worthy enough is one of the largest struggles of people pleasers, they don’t believe they are worthy of the time, care & attention they give other people.
This means they become overwhelmed with other people’s priorities, and forget about their own.
Taking on more than you can handle, and never taking time to fill your own cup is also a recipe for burnout!
If you don’t know what an empath is, it’s someone who not only takes on the priorities of someone else, but also the emotions.
They can feel other people’s pain, sadness, and anger like it’s their own.
This power is developed as a child oftentimes to protect them from an unpredictable parent.
If your mom or dad has the tendency to erupt into anger at any moment being able to “feel” this in them can help you predict these explosions and keep you safe.
What’s the best way to prevent these eruptions? Fixing the issues before they become a problem.
This is why most fixers are empaths!
Taking on emotions that aren’t yours, and feeling like you’re in danger if you don’t fix other people’s issues is another recipe for burnout.
Type A Overachievers
Last, but certainly not least are the overachievers. I work a lot with this group of people.
Overachievers oftentimes are also part of the 3 groups above as well, however, they’ve learned how to cope with the stress better, or ignore it better.
Driving many overachievers is something called High Functioning Anxiety (HFA).
78% of the time it goes undiagnosed because it’s “High Functioning” and most of the time it doesn't end up affecting the lives of those with it.
In fact, in many cases, it can appear like a superpower, think Elon Musk.
COVID changed this by disrupting the coping mechanisms that keep HFA “High Functioning” like social connection, play, workout routines, etc.
Without these mechanisms, more and more overachievers are burning out.
Dealing With Burnout
I’ve written on this extensively, so I will summarize some of the tools & tactics I suggest to deal with burnout here!
The first strategy that I employ is a Bottom-Up process. Our Body holds our Brain, and our Brain holds our Mind.
That being said, fertilizing the soil of your Body is one of the easiest & most effective ways to heal our Brains, and shift beliefs we hold in our Minds.
The process we use for this is called the Heroes Body, and I’ve outlined each piece of it in my blog about the Heroes Body be sure to check it out!
In it, I dissect the 6 areas to focus on to start solving burnout Bottom-Up!
Next, by now, you probably noticed that underneath many of these types of people are limiting beliefs & ANTs (Automatic Negative Thoughts) driving these less-than-ideal behaviors.
I’ve found that attacking these beliefs & ANTs through action is one of the best ways to destroy them!
I talk a ton about this in “Killing ANTs” & also in “Burnout 101”
I will be diving much deeper into how to shift the beliefs associated with burnout in my free Masterclass, so please sign up!
Next week, I will dive deeper into our “Behavioral Activation” process that I will be covering in the free class.
Because you’re a Heroes Digest subscriber, you’ll get a full breakdown of the concepts I cover in the Masterclass in your inbox next Thursday, so be sure to sign up!
I would love to see you there! Until then… live heroically! 🧠